NPC OptiMin
NPC OptiMin
Premium, comprehensive and balanced formula for optimal health in all horses. Consists of high quality vitamins A, C and E (anti-oxidants) , minerals (including organic chelates) copper and zinc (iron free formula), essential amino acids methionine, lysine and threonine, a proven prebiotic and added salt to ensure all nutritional requirements are met. Supports healthy function in all horses by topping up nutritional shortfall. An excellent multi-vitamin and mineral supplement for all horses. Highly palatable for all equines and contains a safe level of selenium that works in with all diets.
This highly palatable formula is suitable for all horses. The dose has been carefully worked out so you acheive optimim balance in your horses diet. Choose your dose to reflect the diet, this will be either 30, 60 or 80 grams (full instructions on pack) as your horse is an individual and should be fed as such.